**LAST THREE WEEKS: 11th - 31st May** ---- Hi everybody!! We're going to do a different thing these last three weeks of the term. **You're going to read a book!! ** You only have to do ONE task for three weeks: **Read a book and make a video about it**. Podeu escollir el llibre que vulgueu. Si teniu un llibre en anglès a casa i us agradaria llegir-lo, ho podeu fer. Si no en teniu cap o no us agraden, us poso aquí sota una pàgina web on podeu accedir a una biblioteca online amb molta oferta de llibres adaptats per triar. Seguiu les instruccions per registrar-vos-hi i remeneu entre els llibres! **Instructions to access the digital library:** * Go on https://www.burlingtonbooks.com/Spain/ and **REGISTER**. (**Instruccions per registrar-vos-hi:** {{:lmontge:com_registrar-se_per_llegir.pdf|}}) * Go on the website and choose a book you like. * Orientacions per a la tria: * Hi ha tres nivells: - Beginners (verd): aconsellable pels que tenen l'examen adaptat o han tret AS. - Intermediate (groc): aconsellable pels que tenen un AN. - Advanced (vermell): aconsellable pels que tenen un AE. **(Són orientacions, podeu triar el llibre que vulgueu)** Per saber de què va cada llibre, cliqueu sobre la portada i a sota hi ha una pestanya on posa ABOUT. Si hi cliqueu, us apareixerà un breu resum del llibre. ---- **Once you have read the book, you're going to make a video talking about it.** **Information you have to include in the video:** - Name of the book, author, year of publication. - Book type and genre (fiction, non-fiction, short stories, novels, biographies... / fantasy, historical novel, adventures...) - Why have you chosen this book? - Summary of the book. - Description of some of the characters. What do you like / don't you like about them? - What do you think about it? Things you enjoyed, things you didn't like... How did you feel while reading it? - Would you recommend it? - Any other information you think is relevant. **Teniu tres setmanes per entregar el vídeo sobre el llibre. Deadline: 31st May**. ---- **Entrega:** **by email (laia.montge@gmail.com)** If you have questions, you can ask them to me on the hangouts forum or by email.