Hi guys!

From now on the activities will not be assessed for your grades, as they are already decided. But it is highly recommended that you do some of the activities I'm going to share on this post so you keep up to date with your English learning until the end of the school year (that is the 19th June).

So, the activities I suggest you to do are the following, you don't need to do all of them, just the ones you think you will enjoy the most:

1. DO WHAT YOU DIDN'T DO Those of you who have «forgotten» to do some of the first term activities hace a good chance to do them now!

2. KEEP ON READING If you enjoyed the las task, this is the one for you, choose another book from the https://www.burlingtonbooks.com/Spain/ page and do a video review where you: summarize the book, give you opinion about it and say wether you recommend it or not! (on this page you'll find a good explanation on how to make a good book review https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=IhYF3v3zTeo&feature=emb_logo )

3. REVIEW WHAT WE HAVE LEARNT If you'd prefer to review some of the grammar and vocabulary we have studied this past year, here is your option. Go back to the book on the www.blinklearning.com and do the review pages in all the Units from 1 to 5. That will be pages 20, 32, 46, 58 and 70. ___

Whatever option you choose, tell me when you are done so I can correct you work! And you will still find me on the Hangouts chats during class hours (and probably all day long!)

Take care and enjoy!

PS. Those of you who have failed the subject will receive an e-mail with instructions on what you have to do.