This week we are going to start Unit 5! So, open up your Digital book and here is what you have to do:

+ Digital Book: go to page 59 and do exercises 1 & 2, then watch de video (you can do it with or without subtitles). When you finish answer the Forum Question #1 here in the Padlet. For doing this las activity you need to enter the Padlet, here you have the links for each group:

Then you need to Log In with the same user (nomcognom o nom_cognom) and password (123456) as always.

+ Digital Book: go to page 60 and do the vocabulary exercises 1 & 2. (al número 2 heu de fer frases fent servir el vocbulari!)

+ Digital book: in page 60-61 read the text about these incredible people and answer exercises 3, 4 & 5.

Deadline (data d'entrega límit): Sunday 26th at midnight!