Aquesta és una revisió antiga del document



Just before every exam, I'll hand revision exams for grammar and vocabulary practice. Remember these deal with the contents seen in class but also with those at the end of the book… so it is a good idea to revise with the book close (not closed - haha). In conclusion, here you can find the key for the worksheets: grammar and vocabulary.


Still quite a long way to go, but it's never too soon to talk about PAU. Here you've got a link to the official assessment criteria (how much does everything count). And here you can download a document a much better teacher than me wrote a few years ago on how to prepare your writings. In brief, writing types are: - A for and against essay (or discussion essay) - An opinion essay - A narrative - A description of a place or of an event - A formal letter or email - An informal letter or email - An article - And also: a summary, a speech and a dialogue. Also, by clicking on this link you will find tests from previous years, all with key and audio file. Do them! Lots of them!


Here you've got a link with downloadable material from the student's book we were using last year (extra exam practice not available in your student's book). It is basically practice, especially for those who always want more and never have enough.

And here there are loads more of downloadable material from the same student's book (obvioulsy different from the link above). Here are practice revision sheets, etc.