LAST THREE WEEKS: 11th - 31st May

Hi everybody!!

We're going to do a different thing these last three weeks of the term. You're going to read a book!!

You only have to do ONE task for three weeks: Read a book and make a video about it.

Podeu escollir el llibre que vulgueu. Si teniu un llibre en anglès a casa i us agradaria llegir-lo, ho podeu fer. Si no en teniu cap o no us agraden, us poso aquí sota una pàgina web on podeu accedir a una biblioteca online amb molta oferta de llibres adaptats per triar. Seguiu les instruccions per registrar-vos-hi i remeneu entre els llibres!

Instructions to access the digital library:

(Instruccions per registrar-vos-hi: com_registrar-se_per_llegir.pdf)

  • Go on the website and choose a book you like.
    • Orientacions per a la tria:
      • Hi ha tres nivells:
        1. Beginners (verd): aconsellable pels que tenen l'examen adaptat o han tret AS.
        2. Intermediate (groc): aconsellable pels que tenen un AN.
        3. Advanced (vermell): aconsellable pels que tenen un AE.

(Són orientacions, podeu triar el llibre que vulgueu)

Per saber de què va cada llibre, cliqueu sobre la portada i a sota hi ha una pestanya on posa ABOUT. Si hi cliqueu, us apareixerà un breu resum del llibre.

Once you have read the book, you're going to make a video talking about it.

Information you have to include in the video:

  1. Name of the book, author, year of publication.
  2. Book type and genre (fiction, non-fiction, short stories, novels, biographies… / fantasy, historical novel, adventures…)
  3. Why have you chosen this book?
  4. Summary of the book.
  5. Description of some of the characters. What do you like / don't you like about them?
  6. What do you think about it? Things you enjoyed, things you didn't like… How did you feel while reading it?
  7. Would you recommend it?
  8. Any other information you think is relevant.
Teniu tres setmanes per entregar el vídeo sobre el llibre. Deadline: 31st May.

Entrega: by email (

If you have questions, you can ask them to me on the hangouts forum or by email.