WEEKS 4 and 5: 5th May - 17th May

This time, you have two weeks to do the task!!

Fins el 17 de maig!

Hi everybody! I hope you’re fine!! We’re going to finish unit 5 and travelling. These two weeks, you're going to create a travel brochure of the place you want.

So, these two weeks there's only 1 activity:

  • Writing: a travel brochure of a city, a part of a country or a country.

All the instructions are in this DRIVE document:


Per si no podeu obrir el drive, us deixo el word aquí: weeks_4_and_5_-_travel_brochure.docx

Entrega: by email (laia.montge@gmail.com)

Due date (data màxima d'entrega): Sunday 17th May at midnight